Vervet Monkey Fopundation Europe Events Co-ordinator
Let me introduce myself a bit: Hilde Olbrechts, 53 years old, Belgian, sales support and marketing assistant at Emerson, passionate about primates, since 2006 big supporter of the VMF and former – many times returning – volunteer. Worked with vervet monkeys at the VMF, Bambelela Wildlife and Vervet Monkey Rehabilitation, the Darwin Primate Group and Umsizi Umkomaas Vervet Rescue Centre.
After 8 years of volunteering (board member and treasurer) at the Jane Goodall Institute Belgium, resigned in December leaving the chimpanzees behind. Beginning of February start of a new challenge giving my free time to the VMF and my beloved vervets! Hope to find many volunteers who’ll be able to help me to turn VMF Europe into a success!